Back to School

The end of the semester is inching closer and it’s a bittersweet feeling. I love that my Corporate Communications program is only one year (well, two semesters) long, and that I’ve learned everything I need to know in this short time. It makes me feel empowered, yet hopelessly unprepared all at the same time. I have truly loved being a student again and have really enjoyed the perspective of being a student in my thirties. I look forward to Monday mornings each week, happy to be back in class after a busy weekend.

My gratitude for today is school. I’m grateful to be able to afford (sort of) being a student and having such a great school with such a perfect program for me so close to home. I have great instructors (that’s for you, Eva!) and lots of great friends in the program. Mostly I am grateful to have an opportunity to be in school again and for my family who is supporting me this year!

First day of school for all four of us!


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